What: Language Issues in the Canadian Forces
When: May 25, 2021 at 12pm EDT (GMT -4)
Where: Zoom
We are now delighted to announce the second talk in our Open Office Hours: Building Bridges series, “Education & Language Applications in the Canadian Forces Health Services Training Centre,” which will be presented by Sandra Plante on Tuesday, May 18 at 12pm (EST, GMT -4).
The Canadian Armed Forces recruits its members from the ethnically and linguistically diverse Canadian population. In the Health Services branch, this inevitably creates challenges for francophone and allophone health care professionals in transitioning their skills to the unique military environment. This presentation will discuss some of the language-based challenges and successes we have experienced, and where we still need to improve.
Sandra Plante is the Program Evaluator for the Canadian Forces Health Services Training Centre, evaluating the efficacy and efficiency of training programs for Health Care professionals within the Defence Team. She has over 30 years of experience in National Defence and holds a Bachelor of Education in Adult Education with a specialization in Psychology, and a Master of Education specializing in Education and Digital Technologies.
The meeting will be held using Zoom. Please note that the meeting is password protected and will require a simple pre-registration so that only persons who have received this link may join. If you know somebody who may wish to join, they may contact us or use the Words in the World website in order to be added to the mailing list at https://wordsintheworld.ca/home/open-office-hours/sign-up-for-open-office-hours/.