WOW 2023 Conference Schedule

The Virtual Words in the World 2023 conference will be held December 1 – 2, 2023. Welcoming remarks begin at 9:50 EST on December 1, 2023. Conference talks will be held via Zoom, and poster sessions will be hosted using There will be no parallel sessions.

Download this schedule: WOW2023 Schedule

Download the abstract book: WOW2023 Abstracts

Friday, December 1, 2023

Talks 1

10:00 – 10:45

Cognitive control states modulated lexical competition effect during language production
Sifan Zhang, Keyi Kang, Haoyun Zhang
Associations between vocabulary and declarative memory abilities in early childhood:  A meta-analysis
Hannah R Fender, Phillip Hamrick
A mouse can tell us how we solve analogical reasoning problems in L1 and L2
Miki Ikuta, Koji Miwa
Talks 2

10:55 – 11:55
Perceptual Span in Mongolian Text Reading
Yaqian Bao
Flankers’ Spatial Proximity Affects Foveal Word Recognition: Evidence from a Flanked-word Visual World Paradigm
Stefania Antonia Kyriakidou, Laoura Ziaka, Bob McMurray, Dzan Zelihic, Kristin Simonsen, Athanassios Protopapas
Reading in otro idioma: Predicting individual differences in skipping in English as L2
Diana Esteve Alguacil, Denis Drieghe, Manuel Perea, Bernhard Angele, Victor Kuperman
Cross-Linguistic Variability in Eye-Movement Control: Comparing Landing Positions of Regressive and Progressive Saccades
Laura Schwalm, Ralph Radach, Victor Kuperman
11:55 – 13:00POSTER SESSION 1 – Poster Room 1
Talks 3

13:10 – 14:10

Red Light, Green Light: The Role of the IFG and STG in Overt versus Covert Speech Production
Dima NK Alsaigh
A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Neuropsychological Tests
Brette Lansue, Lori L Buchanan
Neurophysiological characteristics of new words acquisition in children with language impairment
Alexander Sizykh, Antonina Shaposhnikova, Anna Rebreikina
Word discovery through incremental chunking: How children find words in natural and artificial languages
Andrew Jessop, Julian Pine, Fernand Gobet
14:10 – 15:15 Poster Session 2 – Poster Room 2
Talks 4

15:25 – 16:25

The Impact of Sociolinguistic Differences on Multilingual Background Measures: Validating Language Entropy Part 2 
Michelle Yang, Antonio Iniesta, Anne Beatty-Martinez, Inbal Itzhak, Jason Gullifer, Debra Titone
Generating and Revising Moral Decisions During First- and Second-Language Reading
Esteban Hernandez-Rivera, Karla S Tarin, Alessia Kalogeris, Dan Chen, Debra Titone
Context positivity facilitates L2 word learning: An eye tracking study
Nadia Lana, Bryor Snefjella, Victor Kuperman 

The Role of Emotion in Abstract Word Processing: Evidence from Reading Aloud and Lexical Decision
Catherine J Mason

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Talks 5

10:00 – 11:00

Adaptation, Translation, and Validation of ‘Child Language Experience and Proficiency Questionnaire’ (Child LEAP-Q) in Kannada
Megha K, Dr. Shivani  Tiwari, Dr. Sunila John
Does the contextual information in test items influence English morphological awareness measures’ psychometric properties?
Anna Y Leung, Xiaoshu Wu, Xenia Schmalz
Reading-related cognitive skills and family literacy environment mediate the relation between parents’ reading history and their children’s reading outcomes
Xianglin Zhang, Hua Shu, Zhichao Xia, Min Wang
N400 amplitude as an index of image integration into sentence contexts in adolescents
Marina Norkina, Anna Rebreikina, Alexandra Berlin Khenis, Elena Semenova, Anastasia Streltsova, Tatiana Logvinenko
11:00 – 12:00Poster Session 3 – Poster Room 3
Talks 6

12:10 – 13:10
Structural priming in Mandarin-English late bilinguals: The role of language direction and language proficiency
Vera Xia, Johanne Paradis, Juhani Jarvikivi
Long-lag lemma repetition priming in Estonian and Finnish text reading: evidence from the MECO corpus
Kaidi Lõo (University of Tartu), Raymond  Bertram, Victor Kuperman
Parsing ambiguous trimorphemic words in sentence contexts: Evidence from RSVP
Amanda Araujo White, Kyan Salehi, Roberto G de Almeida
Morphological learning in an online language app: Evidence from Lingvist users
Jordan Gallant
13:10 – 14:15Poster Session 4 – Poster Room 4

Talks 7

Unpacking the role of pronouns in children’s reading comprehension
Emilie Courteau, Guillaume Loignon, Hélène Deacon
Prosodic Sensitivity and Reading in Bilingual Children
Krystina Raymond, Menghsun Lee, Kathleen Hipfner-Boucher, Hélène Deacon, Jeffrey Steele, Becky Chen
The Effect of Vowelization on Visual Word Recognition in Arabic
Maram Alharbi, Jeffrey Witzel, Naoko Witzel
Symbols to Shapes Processing
Ghadir Nassereddine

Closing Remarks

Poster Sessions

Poster sessions will be organized in Posters will be displayed in designated poster rooms, with authors available to talk during their scheduled time. You can think of this as a ‘normal’ poster session – like the ones we have at in-person conferences -just in a virtual space this time. These sessions are not chaired. When you visit a poster, you will be able to see and hear the presenter, and they will be able to answer your questions or walk you through their study. You can control whether your video and microphone are on.

Here’s a brief tutorial:

Poster Session 1
Poster Room 1

Friday 11:55 – 13:00
01. Beyond the Bread: Uncovering the Mechanisms of Sandwich Priming in Word Recognition
Maria Fernández-López, Steve Lupker, Pablo Gomez, Melanie Labusch, Colin J Davis, Manuel

02. Reliability of Visual and Auditory Processing Tasks in Dyslexia Research
Tatiana Logvinenko, Xenia Schmalz,

03. Conceptual transfer in motion lexicalization by L1-Portuguese/FL-English bilinguals
Renan C Ferreira

04. How words can guide your eyes: Increasing engagement with art through audio-guided visual search
Lea A Müller Karoza, Naomi Vingron, Nancy Azevedo, Aaron Johnson, Melissa Vo, Eva Kehayia

05. KNIVE-knives: Inflection and Lexical Cloning
John A Hotson

06. L1 ≠ L2 = L3: Differential social normativity in first vs later-acquired languages
Michał B. Paradowski, Marta Gawinkowska,

07. The effect of idiomatic co-occurrence on lexical networks
Simone A Sprenger, Sara Beck, Andrea Weber

08. Leveraging Social Network Data to Ground Multilingual Background Measures: Validating Entropy Part 1
Antonio Iniesta, Michelle Yang, Anne Beatty-Martinez, Inbal Itzhak, Jason Gullifer, Debra  Titone

09. The role of orthography and phonology during L1 vs. L2 typewritten production
Merel Muylle, Gonia Jarema Arvanitakis

10. Context modulates word integration strategies in ambiguous idioms
Marta Vergara, Teresa Civera, Eva E. Gutierrez-Sigut

11. Semantic Intercorrelation Facilitate the Effect of Semantic Richness on Language Production
Keyi Kang, Sifan Zhang, Haoyun Zhang

12. Deciphering the Intricacies of (Misspelled) Logotype Identification via Event-Related Potentials
Melanie Labusch, Manuel Perea, Francisco Rocabado, Maria Fernández-López, Ana Marcet, Marta Vergara

13. ‘Die laughing’ as a Discourse Marker of Sarcasm: Its Uses in Social Media Corpus During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Taiwan
Yan-ping Lai, Yu-Che Yen, Siaw-Fong Chung

14. The role of sublexical and lexical skills in children learning to read in a transparent orthography.  Implications for reading instruction
Joana Acha, Gorka Ibaibarriaga, Manuel Perea

15. Thermal and Metaphorical Meanings:  Analysing Temperature Adjectives in European Portuguese
Yichang Ge, Fátima Silva, Oliveira Fátima

16. An ontology of democracy:  A cognitive linguistic analysis
Ilona Brovarska

17. Syllabification in Hindi: An Intuitive mental process
Rita Mathur

18. Affix substitution in Indonesian: A study of functional load
Karlina Denistia, Harald Baayen
Poster Session 2
Poster Room 2

Friday 14:10 – 15:15
01. Does word rotation influence access to a word meaning?
Hussein Mehmet, Teresa Civera, Eva E. Gutierrez-Sigut, Marta Vergara

02. NLP and Education: using semantic similarity to evaluate filled gaps in a large scale cloze test in classroom
Raquel M K Freitag, Julian Tejada, Túlio S Gois, Flávia Freitas

03. Are transposed-letter effects due to perceptual noise?
Inka Romero-Ortells Labrada, Ana Marcet Herranz, Pablo Gómez, Manuel Perea

04. How does a Person’s L1 Writing Script Impact L2 Reading in a Same or Different Script?
Nama Mansuri, Antonio Iniesta, Esteban Hernandez-Rivera, Pauline Palma, Debra Titone

05. Pre-lexical morphological parsing of ambiguous roots in context:  Evidence from a cross-modal task
Cedric Le Bouar, Roberto G de Almeida

06. Gradual emergence over multiple trials suggests the mismatch negativity (MMN) as an index of learned expectations
Jessie Nixon, Jacolien van Rij

07. A study on the processing of verbal inflection of tense and agreement in native Spanish speakers with aphasia.
Camila Stecher, Virginia Jaichenco, María Elina Sánchez

08. Cultural Immersion and Pragmatic Proficiency: A Study of Language Acquisition in Spain
Constanza Uribe Banda

09. Polish and Ukrainian Nouns in the Light of a Distributive Analysis
Paula Orzechowska, Inna Stupak, Harald Baayen

10. Examining the Impact of First Names in Everyday Interactions
Carolyn Tran

11. Statistical Learning of a Tonal Language in Multilinguals, Bilinguals and Monolinguals
Yasmine Tachakourt

12. Moving Towards an Understanding of the Role of the Inferior Fronto-Occipital Fasciculus in Language Processing 
Princess O Eze

13. The role of LexiaCore5 Reading in a bilingual context: developing phonological awareness skills in English (L2)
Marion Costa Cruz, Ubiratã Kickhöfel Alves

14. How does income inequity and culture influence oral language and literacy practices in the Black communities of Montreal?
Tanya Matthews

15. A Cognitive linguistics Study of the Feminine Meanings Embedded in the Construction of Chinese words with the Radical “女” with Dichotomies
Pu Meng

16. Do semantic primes influence the motor execution of keystrokes during the typing of words?
Ajay Mangat, Carolina Mendes, Rusna Panesar, Alex Taikh

17. Lexical decision and eye-tracker behavior in Brazilian Portuguese blend processing
Gustavo Estivalet, José Ferrari Neto, Rafael Minussi, Alina Villalva
Poster Session 3
Poster Room 3

Saturday 11:00 – 12:00
01. Cross-Language Similarities In Japanese Visual Word Recognition: A Chronometric Study With Chinese-English-Japanese Trilinguals
Jinyun Sun

02. Revisiting the orthographic prediction error for a better understanding of efficient visual word recognition
Wanlu Fu, Benjamin Gagl

03. A binary-tree approach to generating imaginary Chinese characters
Yixia Wang, Rastislav Hronsky, Emmanuel Keuleers

04. Language evolution within simulated multilingual societies:  Evidence from the iterated learning paradigm
Chaimaa El Mouslih, Vegas Hodgins, Pauline Palma, Debra Titone

05. How do Turkish readers decide whether to skip parafoveal short and high-frequency words?
Zeynep G Ozkan, Francisco Rocabado, Jon Andoni Duñabeitia, Bernhard Angele

06. Verb aspect processing in monolingual and bilingual heritage speakers of Turkish
Özce Özceçelik, Nisa Büyükyıldırım, Ulaş Aşkın, Serkan Uygun, Onur Özsoy

07. Learning to Read Connections – Sensitivity to Collocation Frequency and its Relation to Vocabulary Size and Reading Comprehension
Alexandra M A Schmitterer, Caterina Gawrilow, Claudia Friedrich

08. Cross-linguistic differences in recognition memory:  Encoding of event roles in Japanese and English
Jiashen Qu, Koji Miwa

09. The Emotional Impact of Lexical Arousal on Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning
Zahra Zalzadeh, Fatemeh Nemati, Mehdi Purmohammad

10. The influence of word Frequency, length, and morphological structure on a lexical decision task
Carina G. Pinto

11. Where The U-Shape Gone? Post Covid-19 Change In The Relationship Of Emotional Valence And Arousal Of Words
Milica Popović Stijačić, Ksenija Mišić, Dušica Filipović Đurđević

12. Demonstratives, deixis, and relationality: the cognitive pragmatics of augmenting
Poulami Chakraborti

13. Psycholinguistic Determinants of Timed Object Naming in Thai
Benjamin Clarke

14. Anthropomorphiс Properties Of Language Consciousness
Ekaterina A Redkozubova

15. Eye-movement patterns during paragraph reading in adolescents with different reading-related skills
Alexandara A Berlin Khenis, Marina Norkina, Elena Semenova, Anastasia Streltsova, Tatiana Logvinenko

16. Exploring the limits of language non-selectivity: How do multilinguals process non-native cognates and interlingual homographs?
Lisan Broekhuis, Dominiek Sandra, Sarah Bernolet

17. One form, two meanings? The semantics of generic and specific role nouns in German
Dominic Schmitz

18. Examining the electrophysiological signature of interletter spacing on visual word recognition: An ERP study
Teresa Civera, Marta Vergara, Manuel Perea
Poster Session 4
Poster Room 4

Saturday 13:10 – 14:15
01. When things go missing: Referent absence in noun cross situational word learning
Christine S Yue, Sandy LaTourrette, Charles Yang, John Trueswell

02. Eye Tracking of Bilingual Irony Processing: Compliments versus Criticisms
Vegas Hodgins, Mehrgol Tiv, Chaimaa El Mouslih, Karla S Tarin, Antonio Iniesta, Debra Titone

03. Modelling Mandarin Loanword Adaptation of English Null-Onset Personal Names
Rasmit Devkota

04. Words in Second-Language Speech Accommodation in Interactive Conversational Settings
Ana Bueno, Joshua Faircloth, Erica Kushner, Christiane Noriega, Charlotte Charek, Bernard Ocansey, Stephanie Onwe, Kathrin Rothermich, Susan C Bobb

05. Abstract and concrete word-learning from context in children
Allison Granger, Layla Unger, Vladimir Sloutsky

06. Impact of Language attitudes on Self-Evaluative judgements of Language Experience
Esteban Hernandez-Rivera, Alessia Kalogeris, Mehrgol Tiv, Debra Titone,

07. Dresses and ties: the effect of grammatical gender and semantic bias on object concepts
Noelia A Stetie, Míriam Aguilar, Camila Martínez Rebolledo, José Antonio Hinojosa, Gabriela Zunino

08. The role of morphology in novel word learning: A Registered Report
Olga Solaja, Davide Crepaldi

09. Axiologic Conceptualization Of Violence In Media Discourse
Vadym O Shevchenko, Iryna Zmiiova

10. Script mixing in social media: processing costs with potential benefits
Janessa Tam, Philip Monahan, Rena Helms-Park

11. Politics and personality modulates processing of singular-‘they’ pronouns: Evidence from self-paced reading and acceptability ratings
Hannah Lam, Juhani Jarvikivi

12. How does math-specific language experience impact word problem-solving in bilingual adults?
Karla S Tarin, Esteban Hernandez-Rivera, Dan Chen, Michelle Jang, Gigi Luk, Debra Titone

13. Attraction Effects in the Processing of Long-distance Chinese Classifiers:  An eye-tracking study
Xiaoyu Liu, Nayoung Kwon

14. The Influence of a Password’s Linguistic Properties on its Typing Output
Keira Gow, Alex Taikh

15. When words collide: Compound recognition via hemifield processing
Cassandra E Didical, Roberto G de Almeida

16. Foreign-origin words and their native equivalents in the Turkish Lexicon: An investigation of relative frequencies and semantic relatedness
Christian Agregan, Yasin Tuna Kurşunlu, Urjashi Laha, Elif Sarı, Simge Tekgül, Selçuk Emre Ergüt, Gözde Mercan

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